By Aliya Leigh

By Aliya Leigh
Twitter: @aliyaleigh

Fire walks through my door, like it's open.  She stares at me with her dark eyes and smirk of a smile. I'm in fear of my sanity - strange.

She is different, not as pure as before, just tinted with a curse of the unknown.  Her skin is like tar, her mind in like a witch brew untamed and evil, and her eyes are like daggers stabbing me into death.  She is like a hideous monster waiting to devour me. I want her to go away.  I don't want to see her anymore.  I want her out of my sight.

Fire walks closer and closer to me and I change.  I'm ready to fight, but don't know why.  She is my best friend and for some reason we will be enemies.  Why?

I wish Uncle Merlin can help me see the future, but he will never help me.

"What's wrong, E?" Fire asks.

"Leave me alone.  You are not welcomed in my house anymore. I don't know why, but it's an order," I say.

"Too bad because I will be living with you. I wanted to tell you.  Can you believe, E.  My mother and your mother made up and they want me to stay here in New York.   We will be going to school together. Aren't you happy.  What's wrong with you?  You can talk to me. Remember, best friends forever."

Fire is happy, but I am not.  I just feel there is a reason for her staying in New York and I can't put my finger on it.  I want to be happy and so happy, but I have a knot in my stomach and my sick feeling in my heart. The one who I hold dear will turn on me.  I can feel it, I can taste it.

Fire can see the pain in my eyes and left without a sound.

What is wrong with me?