By Aliya Leigh

By Aliya Leigh
Twitter: @aliyaleigh

I knew, my grandfather is a good looking preacher man. Grandmother, always told me, I look and act just like him. I wondered, if my grandfather and grandmother were alive before the United States gained its independence, how old is my mother?

It amazing to me, how old my family can be?

Uncle Merlin continued story, but what he had to say was disturbing and strange - changed our lives forever.

“My father was an upstanding preacher and he fell in love with my mother. He was head over heels for her. He would have sacrificed his life for my mother. He called her his wife before knowing if she liked him.

“My mother had grace, pose, a tongue for telling the truth, and beauty to match. She was his goddness. He showed her honor and respect 10 times over. He looked at her as if she was the only woman in the room. My mother on the other hand, could care less. She only cared about appearances, the rich life she lived and being the socialite of her day.

“Galvin looked at the plight of this young preacher man who was in love with a woman. He looked over him, day and night. He had this urge to help him. Galvin thought of Eric as a son in the faith who needed some guidance. But, he was wrong. Sometimes you need to leave things alone and let them run there course. Galivn should have known better, but he needed to help this pet of a human, who reminded him of himself.

“One day, it was beautiful day at the market. My father saw my mother with her family. They were posh and so mannered; very rich like. My father was so afraid to talk to her, but he did. He asked her out of a date and she accepted. I don't know why she did, but she should have turned down my father.

“That night, Galvin become involved with my father and my mother. I don't know what happen, but I did know this, that night my parents were never the same again. My father ended his preaching fleed to New York with my mother.

“They moved to New York to help with the Indian settlements who there and we have lived here ever since,” Uncle Merlin said.

“What happen?” I asked.

“Galvin created our race with a bite. That's all I know. The only person who can answer those events in my my father,” Uncle Merlin said.

What was told afterward, made me sick to my stomach. We were cursed and damned to hell. It changed how I felt about my mother, my newly found brother and Fire, who was my cousin.

What I'm about to tell you, will make you sick. My grandparents had five children and my grandfather had one child with Rebecca, who was a runaway slave at the time.