By Aliya Leigh

By Aliya Leigh
Twitter: @aliyaleigh

Spirit was on the phone with her devilish voice.  She was Drama and the Life of every party. My mother couldn’t stand the crazy red headed woman and her arrogance. Spirit was a star in her own mind and she wanted everyone to know it.

But still, I always wanted to know why Spirit was so damage, like treated like, a dirty broken down car; which people still depended on.  I wanted to know, so I won’t be like her.

On the phone, she talked to me and I just laughed. She was my hero and the sister I always wanted.  How I envy Fire.

I gave the phone back to Fire and waited for the signal.   The signal was only a few seconds, but to me, it was hours and I was anxious.

The door bell rang and I yelled, “Kris, please answer the door.”

Kris looked at me with his blood wine in his hand, as if he was Donald Trump and I was the slave.

“This is not my house,” Kris yelled back.

“Please,” I pleaded.

The doorbell rang again.

In a split second; time stopped.  As the monster I am, I can’t stop time but I do have the ability to speed my pace as everyone else seems to be inactive or so slow with life; it would take the next decade for them to move the next muscle.

I speed to the door and made a servant forget about answering the door.  I pushed Kris to the front door so he could be a butler this one-time.

As I was moving Kris, I saw Max in the corner of my eye.  He was looking at me with his sick look.  He was following my every move, even though he couldn't move as fast I was moving.

For example, like I was moving light speed and he was moving close to light speed, but something about this was strange.  It was a gut feeling.  What was wrong with Max?

I pushed Kris without a spill of his wine. He was positioned at the door and I knocked to signal the creature who was outside. My final move was back to my position on the stairs next to Fire and Max’s eyes kept up with my movements.  I could see, he was using a lot of energy just to keep up with me. When I was at my post,  I closed my eyes and time was back to normal.

In the Normals time, I think, someone would have clocked my movements 0.9 seconds or less. Yes, I could move that fast in three moves and drinking blood wine along the way.

“Kris, open the door,” I yelled.

Kris looked at me because he found himself closer to the door, then before.

“This is not my house,” Kris yelled back, but he opened the door anyway and the creature was there.

Happy Days!

A beautiful adult grown white tiger with beautiful blue eyes and a gentle smile walked into the house. Kris was in shocked and piss in his pant like a little kid. The tiger acted like it owned the place and bowed its head in greeting but still focused on Kris as it's main course.

The tiger had a gentleness, as it walked into the room. It licked its lips and showed its teeth. Everyone grew silent as Kris eyes followed the beast. Without a moment notice, the tiger pouched on Kris's shoulders and licked his face like a little innocent playful kitty cat. The tiger looked down at the puddle of piss and laughed. The tiger continued to laugh so hard, it fell on the floor with a red tint in its the fur. Kris stood like a statue and hoped no one saw the mess he made.

Slowly the tiger changed as it laughed so hard. Soon, the tiger turned into a beautiful young woman, with long corn silk red hair, pale white skin with freckles, beautiful deep blue crystal eyes, wear award winning golden dress and golden heels. This was Spirit's grand entrance to the family function.

She stood up and bowed, as the family cheered and the servants tried to crawled out of the cage my family created for them. Now, they knew this was their last day to be alive. One reason, Simon Peter destroyed all of the servants cell phones.

One servant bowed down to Spirit’s feet as he bagged for his life.  He looked like a twig with little to no meat.

Fire gave Spirit a wine glass little an obedient little sister.  Spirit nails grew and with one razor sharp slashed to the throat, the blood poured out like red wine in a box.